
ЛитийLithium is a natural resource in Astroneer. It appears in the form of curved tubes resembling pink-gold nuggets. It is generated in caves on Vesania and Novus, found in mountains and mantles (closer to the core in caves).

Lithium deposit

Vesania VesaniaFound ✓
Novus NovusFound ✓

Additional source of lithium

  • Using the Trade Platform
    The Trade Platform provides 1 lithium for 4 Scrap. The maximum amount for one trade is 8 Scrap, which will give you 2 lithium.


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  • How to obtain lithium in Astroneer?
    Lithium can be obtained on Vesania and Novus by using the Terrain Tool (Vacuum) in simple terms. Simply point it at a lithium deposit and dig it up. When you accumulate enough clumps, the resource “Lithium” will appear in your inventory.

Interesting facts

  • If you place lithium in the research chamber, you will receive 200 bytes upon completing its analysis. The research speed will be 80 bytes per minute.