Nanocarbon Alloy

Наноуглеродный сплавNanocarbon Alloy is a composite resource in Astroneer. It can be obtained in the Chemical Laboratory using Steel, Helium, and Titanium Alloy. To do this, you need to install a Chemical Laboratory and place Titanium Alloy, Steel, and Helium in the crafting slots. Once the Nanocarbon Alloy is ready, it will appear in the Chemical Laboratory. When researching the Nanocarbon Alloy in the Research Chamber, you will receive 1000 bytes.

Craft nanocarbon alloy

ProcessingReceived itemRequired resources
Nanocarbon Alloy Nanocarbon AlloyTitanium Alloy Titanium Alloy
Steel Steel
Helium Helium


need a translation


  • Where to find Nanocarbon Alloy in Astroneer? How to craft Nanocarbon Alloy in Astroneer?
    It’s very simple. Install a Chemical Laboratory, place Titanium Alloy, Steel, and Helium in it, and wait. After a short period of time, you will have Nanocarbon Alloy.

Interesting facts

  • If you place the Nanocarbon Alloy in the Research Chamber and conduct a full analysis, you will receive 1000 bytes. The research speed will be 400 bytes/min.