
МалахитMalachite is a natural resource in Astroneer. Malachite appears as tall, chunky fragments of brown-green crystalline formations. It can be found on the planet “Sylvia” deep within mushroom-shaped caves, high up in mountains, and on “Desolo” exclusively within caves.

Deposit of malachite

Sylva SylvaFound ✓
Calidor CalidorFound ✓

Additional source of malachite

  • Using the trade platform
    The trade platform provides 1 malachite in exchange for 1 scrap. The maximum amount for one trade is 8 scrap for 8 malachite.


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  • How to obtain malachite in Astroneer?
    Malachite can be obtained on Silva and Calidor by using the terrain tool (also known as the vacuum tool). Simply aim it at a cluster of malachite and mine it. When you accumulate enough nuggets, the resource “Malachite” will appear in your inventory.

Interesting facts

  • If you place malachite in the research chamber, upon completing its analysis, you will receive 100 bytes. The research speed will be 40 bytes per minute.